Home Forums Dating Discussion and Ads Men Seeking FLR Personal Ads 49/m currently in Indiana willing to relocate

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    • #117313

      Introvert (INTJ), intuitive, spiritual, rational, intellectual with a mind like a crystal ball. HSP (highly sensitive person), empath.

      I’m a recent emptynester who has also left the nest. I’ve been traveling, but am not really a drifter. I came to Az to bury my brother’s ashes with my grandmother, but am seeking ‘my place’ so to speak, and have been camping all around the mountains California,spending some time in Portland Oregon, as well as the aforementioned stay in Arizona before making my way to the Midwest where I am staying a while with family.

      I would and will relocate anywhere for a committed & loving FLR.

      I’m an unconventional male, not materialistic, non-judgmental (what people look like, say, and do does not phase me), or maybe more accurate than non-judgmental is non-dual in my perception of things.

      Spirituality has been important to me for a while but more so now that Im living life alone with no obligations to raising a child, or other ties to the world.

      Interest include:

      *Metaphysics and spirituality
      *New paradigm permaculture
      *Mycology & mushroom cultivation
      *Anthropological studies
      *Culture (subject & object)
      *Art, and the arts
      *Plus more

      I grew up in California, mostly between Mendocino on the north coast in the redwoods, and San Diego county. Have lived in Hawaii, Oregon, New York City, Texas and Nevada as well.

      For the last 20 years I’ve been a single parent. Due to circumstances I ended up the sole caregiver of my daughter from 10 months, and then had a son with who I ended up also as the sole caregiver of, also from infancy until very recently. I was the birth attendant and midwife for my partner/their mother . At the point that I had sole responsibility for my toddler daughter and infant son I was studying biology and anthropology, but dropped out of school to parent full time.

      I have just recently become an emptynester, at which point I lost all.motivation and left the nest myself.

      Prior to becoming a parent I worked in the party/night club industry in NYC for a few years starting out as a promoter but finishing up as the floor supervisor at what at the time was the largest night club in earth (40,000sqft venue/7 bars). Moving back to Nor-Cal I became involved in cannabis cultivation which was also a pursuit of mine during adolescents as in those days it was the thing to do for locals in Mendo county. I’ve worked S a cannabis grower both independently and on medical farms.

      Cannabis cultivation was the gateway for me like many others into organic farming, and self sufficiency.

      Over the years I have gained expert knowledge and skills in new-paradigm permaculture to the point of mastery in small scale natural farming which is a new system of farming that requires a new system of thinking, no-till heavy reliance in microorganisms which are collected from pristine natural environments in the region of the crop site, cultures enmass and used liberally to grow crops. I’m also proficient in mushroom cultivation.

      At this point in my life I am focused on my spiritual path, deep meditation, and finishing a two book series I am writing, a two bookseries on origins and metaphysics, and the human condition.

      I am seeking a partner who like myself would feel most comfortable and natural in FLR (female led/centered relationship) type relationship dynamic. That is crucial.

      Seeking a deep spiritual and intellectual connection, with someone with similar values, who is not worldly or materialistic, but who is firat and foremost walking spiritual path as their primary way of life.

      Seeking my divine counterpart; syzygy.

      I see relationships as potentially the greatest vehicle for growth and evolution; the relationship I seek is the path of ascension.

      My path of gaining self awareness led me to understand how I prefer to think of females, as well as relate to them and what comes natural to me led me out of the confines of conventional genfer roles in relationships, and allowed me to realize that a fale centered/prioritized and led relationship is right for.me. i wondered what went wrong with my marriage, amd it did take.me too ling to realize that as I’m committed to being honest with myself and have always questioned everything.

      Moreover gender itself is a huge blockage as the genders are inherently opposites and in contrast.

      I myself have transcended gender roles to some informal degree in m/f relationships and in lifestyle and place in society in being a full time caregiver and single parent raising children as a nurturer from infant in more of the mother and her baby archetype than a fatherly one, and have realized people who strongly identify with their gender have strong prejudices and expectations of the opposite gender that hold them back from truly loving l, appreciating, and connecting with the opposite gender, so in that duality much of the conflict between female and male lies.

      So I am seeking a partner who is not a ‘woman” of the world, and who is committed to growth, spirituality and cultivating her divinity, who is ready for deep non-dual connection of the unity of male and female dynamic which only exist in a FLR type relationship.

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