Home Forums Dating Discussion and Ads Men Seeking FLR Personal Ads 63/FL JUST ONE CONFIDENT WOMAN, TO OWN THIS FLR BETA MALE SLAVE……

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    • #94964

      Why NOT take me as your FLR slave…. i’ll serve you, and provide for both of us, while you just look beautiful.
      i’m 63yo, available to you 24/7/365.,,,i live in the Florida Panhandle, but can relocate anywhere to YOU…As my Goddess, i offer YOU, use of my 45-foot ketch rig Sailboat, to sail to the Caribbean, or entertain YOUR FRIENDS, aboard, while Im your FLR Captain, and will sail ya anywhere….or, this slave can move to you, and serve as your “house servant”, or “personal body slave”
      i wish there was some FLR Confident Woman, that would enjoy Cuckolding and teasing me, humiliation, punishment, pain, psyche, power, while as her slave i empower her, and support and encourage her, to date interesting men, then return with me to service her. If you’re anywhere near the Florida Panhandle, or you want me to relocate to you, i will…..as long as you “Own me”…….this slave would provide total submission to his Goddess.
      But, YOU gotta contact me, SOON….NOW……PLEASE

    • #95252

      You look to be some one who I would be interested in, although sadly we have a great distance between us. If you’re
      Seriously wanting a great connection then surely you should be looking to make the right impression and do what it takes to try obtain the affection of the right person . You should be prepared to travel to meet and take it from there . All the best

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