Home Forums Dating Discussion and Ads Men Seeking FLR Personal Ads 64 year old man looking for level3 to 4 Real FLR

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  • Author
    • #49617
      Just a man

      I am 64 years old widowed nd looking for a genuine real FLR level 3 to 4. I m committed to n FLR dynmic nd you should be as well.
      not looking for a little girl so please 45 year olds and up please. no time for endless chatter. Fantasy s not what drives me.
      i will only consider an FLr with a domestic discipline dynamic.
      Do ou wish to be happy, respected, adored? if so then your search may have ended. it is really that simple contact me. not by email but by text or a phone call. I ignore email;s to root out scammers. level 3 to 4
      your happiness is assured

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Just a man.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Just a man.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Just a man.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Just a man.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Just a man.
    • #61196

      where do you live?

    • #98027

      Hi dear, how are you doing today? I saw your profile and I was tempted to send you a message. I hope this doesn’t bother you and we can get to know each other better. Please tell me about yourself and I can tell you about myself as well! Also send a few pics and I can send some as well! I await your email, please.
      Here’s my email to contact me if you feel the same … Sgtjamiewatson@outlook.com

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