Home Forums Female Led Relationships Level of feminisation

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    • #97020

      How feminised are you in your relationship? Does your queen insist that you have feminisation training or has she left the degree of feminisation up to you?

      For some subs that will mean no feminisation, but for others there could be different levels of feminisation. One basic level could be just wearing panties underneath trousers and no other additions. The more extreme levels could be training and wearing traditional “sissy” clothing like a French maid outfit whilst doing chores.

      Equally, has any queen asked their sub to wear full make-up, a wig and dress in “normal female” clothes like a dress or top/jumper with a skirt and heels or boots, whilst doing chores or pampering her?

      Which level of feminisation are you at? A very low level with no feminisation or a high level by looking like another female?

    • #97360

      i guess you could say that i’m slightly feminized. Feminization isn’t an end in itself but more of a means of expressing who we are. i’m already effeminate, although i tried to suppress it for a long time, and my feminization also is an expression of my submissive role as housekeeper while She has a successful career.
      I do have skirts and dresses but my everyday outfit is typically leggings or yoga pants with a t-shirt or tank top in summer. i wear an apron all the time unless i go out somewhere.

      • #100151

        That’s great that you have embraced feminisation Bobbie! I think that it is something which I would like to do in an FLR. You can be convincing with your everyday outfit choice. Would you ever wear skirts and dresses on a night out?

    • #97374

      My ex broke up with me because i wasnt feminine enough so i guess i have tons of patriarichal traits still from my upbringing

      • #100153

        I agree with Bobbie, it is a shame Rae that your ex broke up with you because of that. Hopefully you will find a better fix soon.

    • #97789

      i’m sorry to hear, Rae, that your ex broke up with you and i hope you’ll find someone to share your love with soon.
      To add to my original post, i’d forgotten to mention that my hair is in a feminine style. i do use hot curlers and my Wife decides on my hair style, which changes occasionally.
      Also i wear bikini panties because my chastity cage is metal and kind of heavy and snug panties help support the weight.

      • #100154

        Your hair looks great Bobbie! You look very feminine.

    • #98483
      All About Her

      My wife is very turned on by the fact that she dominates a person who is an alpha male outside of our personal relationship. Dininishing me would diminish the power rush she get by being alpha over an alpha.

    • #98635

      I’m new here but not new to cross dressing. My level of feminization is up there with fully dressing when my wife encourages it and there are also times I wear my intimate women’s apparel under my male clothing when out. However I am permitted to dress if I ask nicely but she’s not always in the mood for it.

      • #100155

        That’s great that you are able to fully dress and it is your wife who encourages it. Does she prefer a particular outfit for you to wear?

    • #98660

      I dress fem at home. My wife is Ok with it but does not ask me to do it. Leggings, panties, short shorts with a t-shirt or tank top is what I wear at home. I paint my toes bright red. I wear a bikini bottom at the beach. I clean house in a panty or nude. I just like to dress sexy. It makes being the house maid fun. I wear women’s jeans in public.

      • #100156

        You sound like you have an understanding wife and it is great that you are able to wear different outfits at home and in public. How did it feel going out in women’s jeans or a bikini bottom?

      • #102507

        I don’t think people know I am wearing women’s jeans unless they pay close attention. Back pockets are smaller and the jeans are tight.

        Everyone notices the bikini at the beach. My ass is showing which is rare for men. How I feel depends on where I am. I am comfortable being seen by women and feel anxious around men.

      • #105539

        That is interesting the different details of women’s jeans to men’s. I can imagine that you may feel anxious around men in that situation. Have you ever had a guy speak negatively to you because he noticed that you were wearing women’s jeans/clothes?

        I had the opposite once when I was wearing calf high boots on a train at night. I was wearing a long winter guy and smart trousers (typical guy wear) but boots underneath with a stiletto heel. I got on to the train and a girl was sat next to her partner and she looked at me straight away. I could hear her say “is he wearing boots?” Her partner/boyfriend/husband just said “shush” to her. I felt more comfortable with the male than the female.

    • #102529
      • #105635

        Once is Las Vegas I had some man keep asking me why my shorts were so short. The shorts were like 3″ inseam and my legs were shaved. It was awkward because we were on an elevator and he was with his male friends. They were drunk. I just ignored him and got off the elevator. One time on vacation in Miami Florida some young woman with her boyfriend was making fun of my tight women’s jeans. We were in a hotel lobby. She was dressed in a very skimpy outfit. She talked about me knowing I could clearly hear her comments. I just stared at her.

        There have been other times. Especially on the beach when I am wearing a bikini. Although I am fit and have nice legs it does make me embarrassed. Anymore, I only wear a small bikini at a nude beach where I am over dressed.

    • #105425

      while not technically feminized, i had my toe nails painted and was forced to wear a chastity device (sadly had to be custom or else i would tell You the type) and boi panties with chastity cage holders. It was very awkward at a pool one time with family. Whatever, i was not allowed by Her to go to anymore family parties, which is fine by me. Granted that relationship is sadly over now and well que sera sera!

      • #105540

        You did well to go to that family party as she had requested. Even though that relationship is over now, do you still go to family parties?

    • #105573

      I will find out this July 4

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