Hi, my Name isn’t important for now. I’m 37 getting out of 13 year relationship. I’m looking to please a strong and confident and leading female. I will grind my self to the bone making sure you’re happy and loved. Just don’t lie to me please. I will do as told, mold me into what you truly desire
Good morning. Your ad and location seem to be fitting for what I desire. Feel free to private message me to discuss specifics and potentially set a meet and greet
Hi dear how are you? I’m Adeline by name a female. I like your profile and will like to know you more, please contact me through my email for us for more details about me ,and there is something very important to me i will like to tell you through email not here . please email me now to this below . adelihadja@gmail.com
Hi dear, how are you doing today? I saw your profile and I was tempted to send you a message. I hope this doesn’t bother you and we can get to know each other better. Please tell me about yourself and I can tell you about myself as well! Also send a few pics and I can send some as well! I await your email, please.
Here’s my email to contact me if you feel the same … Sgtjamiewatson@outlook.com