i live in Bremen, unmarried, and have been outed for 24 years as a slave, servant and pet AMONG ADULT WOMEN.one day i accept to be slaved BY ADULT WOMEN for life. Probably as a result of experiences in the first 10 years of my life, when I was 12 years old, trying out sexuality and being used by someone else, even by someone i felt was actually above me, i discovered a lowly slave existence within myself. Beyond the reach of my own imagination, the person above me then unexpectedly and absolutely terrifyingly peed in my mouth. i thought i was poisoning myself with his foreign urine. But the realisation set in and i became aware that i was a slave but also ready to find my place in real life in the future, even on a lower level, as a pet. However, as i had previously broken off and ended contact out of fear of being poisoned. i regretted it a few days later. The realisation solidified in me that i would have to accept serving as a slave for the rest of life. At that time i had never heard of BDSM. So my lower self created the awareness that i could only be a slave in life, if not even dream of being an animal. This acceptance of a lower existence never changed in me later in adulthood. i have already had real experiences as a slave in private AMONG ADULT WOMEN, so it is no longer just a fantasy like in previous years. (More information will follow later.) so i accept in reality life without possible of return.without the possibility of taking back the fact that ADULT WOMEN are above me for the rest of my life and have the say over me in future encounters. It is not a fantasy, but i have to accept this in real life for the rest of my life and i will have to accept it and be content with it. The motto of the OWK (i was never there but accepted this motto absolutely and totally) is a law for me for the rest of “my” life. Broken down to the slave status or even deeper to my real animal status, the law is WOMEN OVER me forever.
For me the conclusion is that my whole life i will not and cannot have any rights to self-determination AMONG REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BIOLOGICAL FEMALE SEX. WOMEN THEREFORE NEED TO NEVER WAIT FOR OR DEMAND PERMISSION from me. i have to accept for “my” whole life that i will not have any say in the matter, not even in the most basic things or beyond that. i also have no right to be untouchable by women. It is never necessary for me to be asked. i will spend my life AMONG WOMEN, EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE JUST REACHED THE AGE OF ADULT and call themselves submissive, and be bound to instructions if that is desired. It was therefore the logical consequence for me and absolutely natural to register here and introduce myself here as an absolutely submissive being, the moment i found out about this site.
(the profile picture is not really my face, but a little bit, i want to see before how it works here, so i will later change the avatar with a original picture of my face.)